Holy WarsIntroductionTags: Church Growth, Holy Wars, Christian orthodoxy, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, independent churches, praise song, hymn, praise and worship, historical Christianity
As a result of this interest in
everything new, enough books have been written on the subject of worship to fill a
library. Multitudes of production companies and churches have distributed recordings of
worship songs throughout the world. Everywhere you look contemporary musicians
are busily writing songs in the hopes of catching the attention of those who can make
their music known. The buzz of worship can be heard everywhere you go these days. The church is inundated with more
information about worship than any one person could digest in a lifetime. The matter of
worship should be settled by now. Yet why is there still so much controversy about the
whole issue? What is it with all the upheaval? The independent churches appear to be doing just fine. They exert
all of their energy into New Worship repertoire while generally omitting the vast praise
liturgy that has been passed unto us from the churchs two thousand year history.
That works for them well enough. They minister to a specific group of people who only like
the new stuff. In contrast, those who have worshipped
in more traditional church venues dont seem to be Most pastors have apparently resigned
themselves to the notion that fighting is a necessary evil that must be endured in order
for the church to survive. I disagree with this notion. In my ministry experience I have
participated as a praise leader in everything from planting a successful storefront church
to spiritual renewal in traditional churches. In those instances I have not witnessed the
contentious results that appear to have become so acceptable these days. There is a way to avoid the dissention that seems to have become so tolerable in many church venues. There is a way to forge into the future without discarding the heritage of the past in a manner that will keep the church contemporary while keeping our flocks at peace and the church on target. This comes through a biblical understanding of the nature of worship and praise, the dynamics of music and how churches ought to run. It is not beneficial for the church to unnecessarily continue on
in the direction of strife. Most pastors acknowledge this, but are relinquished to the
prospect of enduring the Holy Wars for the sake of success. While casting the blame on
others they have become convinced that the disturbance permeating the body of Christ today
emanates from poor congregational attitudes. With that in mind, pastors all over the
nation have been attacking the praise song/hymn controversy from their pulpits. However,
the source of most congregational warring comes from the attitudes and agendas held by
these very shepherds who are busily accusing their flocks rather than feeding them.
Because it is all about selling books,
too much of what you see out there written for church body life has been designed to make
pastors and congregational members feel good about themselves. In the name of profits, our
current church leadership is largely being catered to with promises of greatness that
sidestep the greater worship issues that the church faces today. In the mean time the
pagan roots of the churchs worship controversy and even the controversy itself
remains widely ignored. As a host of Christian writers feign from stepping up to the plate
to reveal the truth of the situation, it is the truth that will set the church free.
Therefore it is time to face the Holy War that resides within our church walls with
honesty and integrity to arrive at a sure foundation upon which to build Gods Church
of the 21st Century. This book has been written primarily for the benefit of Christians who are seeking after truth. They are the ones who have finally conceded that there is more to church life than getting bigger and have concluded that unity within the context of historical Christianity is the only biblical course to go from here. Yet these principles of worship hold true for daily Christian living as well. Any Christian who desires a challenge will find this book a life-changing work. If you are happy with where you are at
in your personal and church worship life experience, then this book will be of little
value to you. If you are interested in getting to the bottom of the problem, please read
on. However, I have to issue a word of
caution. This book does not cut any slack. It is not a treatise on how to feel good about
yourself and your worship life. It gets to the heart of the worship matter, which leaves
all of us a bit exposed. Yet if you want your worship to be truly alive, it is imperative to become a true worshipper. Everyone today has an opinion regarding what true worship is all about. But only the Scriptures describe it for what it really is. This is what we look into in this book in our quest to discover what living worship encompasses. This is not a book about secrets. There arent any mysteries to uncover. There is nothing new under the sun. (Ecc 1:9) The answers that we seek are in the tried and true. Living worship is not about what we dont know. It is about what we have been commanded to do. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God. (Rom 12:1-2 MKJV) Stay Tuned for More!!!! If you liked this CLICK HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 to purchase a soft or hard cover copy of Don Wigton's book "Holy Wars" upon which this blog is based. Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
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Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents! CLICK
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Christian hymn-singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing.
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