Holy WarsThe Heart of MusicTags: Church Growth, Church Growth Movement,
Frank Pooler, Ronald Allen, Gordon Borror, Worship Rediscovering the Missing Jewel,
Bach, Trio Sonatas for Organ, Heart of Worship, Martin Luther, Reformation, Lutheran
Church, contemporary Christian music, praise band, John Dewey
Heart of Music
is a demanding taskmaster and on occasion has been known to replace God as the object of
worship, Ronald Allen and Gordon Borror assured in Worship. . . . The lesson that seems to
require constant discovery is the fact that worship is not primarily a state of the art
but rather a state of the heart. . . When the heart is set upon God, true worship will not
depend upon outward stimulus, it will be in constant progress. . . This means that all
life becomes a worship service. (Duet 6:6; Ps 73:26; Prov The
Bible does not declare that we should love God with our music. But rather we are commanded
to love Him with all our heart, soul and strength. (Duet 6:5) Out of this love dynamic
tremendous art expression will flow from the worshipper. For example, consider Bachs
trio sonatas for organ whose artistic excellence has been marveled throughout the
centuries. Bach created these trios to depict the trinity as three separate melodies
played in the left hand, the right and on the pedals retained their own identity while
molding together as one beautiful harmony. You see, Allen and Borror contended
in that regard, this great art did not lead Bach to true worship, but true worship
gave rise to this tremendous artistic expression. The order is not reversed today.
fact that people fail to worship in church is not the result of the music on the platform.
Rather it is the result of misguided worship values. Hence the writers continue, The
real factor in worship is a heart desire for God; the reason it fails to occur in the pew
is because it fails to occur in the daily routine of living. God
uses art to reflect his beauty and creativity; the writers conclude, so ought
His redeemed children to worship Him. Therefore,
what most people on the inside and outside dont seem to get is that worship is not
about the musical form but the object of worship. In the case of Christianity it is God
who is being worshipped and He accepts all biblical worship expressed by His followers
regardless of the particular style. All biblically based music expressed unto Him honors
Him. Worship
is all about the heart. So if the artist is truly expressing himself from a pure heart
that exalts God in a true and biblical way, contrary to what many believe today, it
shouldnt matter what style is being used. It is praiseworthy to sing in a popular
commercial style to the beat of drums just as it is a blessing to God to sing a time
honored hymn to the sound of an organ. If it is worship of the true and living God, then
its worship indeed and God receives it all.
The important thing is
honesty and passion within the context of uncompromised truth and biblical literacy. We
want to be sure to have something articulate to say in order to lead people to the truths
of the Scriptures. We also need to provide music that is well written and original. If
that happens to be within the context of popular music, then so be it. Oh come, let
us sing to the Lord! (Ps 95:1a MKJV) Lets be first true to our Christian faith
to sing to the Lord with heart. Worship
and praise music does tend to be middle of the road. Also there are times when there is
scant musicianship displayed during contemporary song leading. However, the main point is
to encourage people to sing with sincerity. Hence, there isnt necessarily anything
wrong with middle of the road or simple music. There are three main reasons why: First
of all, middle of the road music tends to be that which is most acceptable to so many
congregations who are not used to contemporary styles in church. It is the artists
responsibility to present himself in a manner that encourages the congregation that he is
leading to joyously sing to the Lord. Tearing congregations in half over musical extremes
is just not worth it. And usually those who impose their personal delights on others
though they are offended by it are the ones who have agendas rather than a heart to
minister. For
example a particular praise band, when playing before a mixed congregation of various ages
and musical tastes, declared that they didnt care what anybody thought. They even
took pride in the fact that they were not liked by many in the congregation because they
believed they were the only ones who really knew how to worship. And true worship to them
could only be that which conveyed their musical tastes. To do middle of the road music
that would please everyone would have been deplorable to these antagonists. They would
rather serve their own desires than meet the needs of the flock, and the church was
divided in half as a result. Yet heart worship is about bringing people together rather
than tearing them apart. Secondly, when we discuss contemporary
music in the church many times we are talking about large churches, churches packed with
excellent musicians. No doubt many of these folks could play a wide variety of musical
styles that could impress their critics, but that may not be what they are doing with
their music. They are not trying to dazzle their audience. Instead
many sincere musicians in the Thirdly, in the church today worship and
praise music is geared towards what people can read from a screen and sing. We are leading
people in song - people who cannot read music. There are fewer trained singers in
congregations these days, so the melodies have become simpler and more mid-range. In
addition these days you need to lower a hymn about a step from the hymnal key when leading
a congregation in song. I [1] Theres also nothing out of kilter with easing young musicians into the complexities of finer music in a step-by-step way. Many times in the realm of contemporary music in the Church we are looking at high school and college age kids both developing in their musical abilities and skills in leading people in praise. In the learning process emphasizing things like simplicity can be important. When a band is put together it is best to reduce everything to the bass, drums and piano/rhythm guitar and make the musicians simplify their stuff in order to create a solid bottom for everything else that will be laid over this foundation. Once the musicians get the hang of it, then they can be cut loose to really play. And as they develop in their musical skills more intricate music can be thrown at them as well. And they will be able to play it. Stay Tuned for More!!!! If you liked this CLICK HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 to purchase a soft or hard cover copy of Don Wigton's book "Holy Wars" upon which this blog is based.Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
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