Holy WarsThe Narrow GateTags: Church Growth Movement, The
Liberal Church, New Age Tolerance , Muslims, Koran
are two kids of churchgoers today - those who gather under the big tent of
their own making, and those who enter into the But
now we find the Church Growth Movement calling Christians to emulate the However,
the Bible instructs the people of God to detach themselves from the ways of the world.
Jesus talked about separating the sheep from the goats, truth from falsehood and the saved
from the unsaved. (Matt 25:31-43) And to the goats he will say Depart from Me,
you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
(Matt 25:41b MKJV) Indeed, this is a very
intolerant message. But salvation is a matter of life and death and Christians are
obligated to proclaim this truth to an unbelieving world. Thus, though Christians are
called to be tolerant of people, they are likewise commanded to be intolerant with regard
to matters of truth. In other words, from an intellectual standpoint, Christians are
intolerant of any truth system other than that which is prescribed in the Bible. That
means they are not willing to accept other notions of God, morality or ways to salvation.
By the very nature of their faith Christians must follow the words of Jesus that declare:
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and there are many who go in by it. (Matt 713 MKJV) Biblical
Christians, therefore, see only one way to go. They are absolutists rather than
relativists. When
you think of religious dogmatism such as this, perhaps the tension between the different
Muslim sects in the Biblical
Christians, therefore, though intolerant to sin should always be the first to extend the
hand of Christian love to everyone. And many times this love necessitates speaking out
against the very intolerable behavior that our society today is calling on us to tolerate.
Tough love is what the proclamation of the Gospel is all about.
In order to indict narrow
minded and intolerant Christians it is common to point to eras in Church
history where the Church persecuted individuals or chased after bizarre pursuits such as
the Crusades. This is especially evident in the Church of the Middle Ages. However, as we
will discover later in this book, that entire religious system was more pagan than
Christian. And the paganizing of that church was a direct result of the conscious and
formulated attempt to relate to the surrounding Roman culture! The supposed injustices
regarding the Indian wars that occurred during the westward expansion of the The truth is that
biblical Christians have consistently brought virtue into society. For example in And so, as we see in the In ancient Hitler's
rationalization for persecution in Nazi Germany was firmly based on humanistic Social
Darwinism as the concept of survival of the fittest was applied to society. From this you
wound up with the "superior Arian race" who felt that they had the right to
exterminate those they felt were inferior. And Hitler feared the Jews and the faithful few
in the Church who were critical of him. It is true that the vast majority of the Church in
The Inquisition of the
Middle Ages was all about torturing and killing Christian dissenters. Many died for their
faith. Then you have the Armenian genocide, which was one of the most gruesome
persecutions of Christians in history. The Muslims during the expansion of the Stay Tuned for More!!!! If you liked this CLICK HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 to purchase a soft or hard cover copy of Don Wigton's book "Holy Wars" upon which this blog is based.Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
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