Holy WarsGuru Woo WooYoga AromaTags: Church Growth, Church Growth Movement, Church growth consultants, worship leader, conservative, liberal, Conservative Christian, Conservative Christian theology, Evangelical, evangelism, post modern church, modernism, praise and worship, hymns, hymn singing, New Worship, Evangelical Church, Hindu, guru, Soma, Aldoua Huxley, Brave New World, Pope Gregory, Western Culture, Dark Ages, R. J. Stewart, The Spiritual Dimension of Music, Gregorian Chant, Mysteries of God, Francis Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live?, Middle Ages, Martin Luther, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, John Calvin, Romanticism, Rousseau, Michael Horton, Modern Reformation, Hindu, Hinduism, yoga, Swami Vivikenanda, First Parliament of the Words Religions, Asian Invasion, The Beatles, Number Nine, Hey Jude, John Lennon, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, guru, Transcendental Meditation, Alan Watts, Theodore Roszak, Timothy Leary, LSD, Grand Funk, Douglas Groothuis, Calvinism, Calvinistic, Saint AugustineI The Hindus also used the mind altering
drug soma in order to enable the worshipper to better enter into the supernatural state.
Soma is the drug utilized in Aldous Huxleys Brave New World to keep the masses
content. The writings of Huxley were foundational to the rise of the 60s
counterculture revolution whose beliefs have influenced so many in the church today.
Therefore it is no wonder that we are now facing a Brave New World as multitudes in the
church are entering into mind altering worship understandings in the search of mysteries
that stand in such contrast to historical Christian beliefs.
Just like the church today is busily
doing, Pope Gregory the Great initiated a new type of music into the liturgy of the church
in order to attract the masses. We know from the early Fathers of the church,
explained R. J. Stewart in The Spiritual Dimension of Music, that the common people
of their time (the pagan peasants whom they sought to make into Christians) uttered
ululations or jubilations, which were extended vowel sounds in a musical pattern. Such
vocal utterances are still part of folksong today, though in the West they tend to be
abbreviated or understated. These vocal sounds, free, expressive and highly communicative,
are basic words of power. In the liturgy, they were developed and disciplined while being
merged with approved texts; the result was plainchant. Such practices, however, did not
appear in a vacuum, and were undoubtedly drawn not only from the musical chants of the
people, but from the ritual use of the great pagan philosophies. This "other worldly music",
called Gregorian Chant, became the hallmark of the spacious cathedrals as the modal
melodies of the priests reverberated through the vast halls with their beauty and their
simplicity. Yet anyone who has heard these melodies drone on-and-on with no apparent, key,
meter, or resolution will realize that the intent was to create an aura of
"Mystery." They were sung in the unfamiliar language of Latin to make sure that
the Mysteries of God were kept secret. So deep was the resonate sound that was carried in
the massive vestibules in which these incantations were sung that one could hardly
distinguish what was coming out of the priests mouths from that which bounced off
the walls that surrounded them. Indeed, the church used everything at its disposal to
place God in the distance by even translating His music to a far off place. The whole
point of the affair was to advance the mysteries of God through music.
As God was placed further away from the
grasp of man, the search for mysteries replaced biblical truth. The gurus of that church
age became the revealers of these deep mysteries of God as their woo woo became
authoritative above the very Word of God. And the mysteries that these church leaders
revealed were very strange, unorthodox and contrary to the teaching of Scripture. The fact
is that when pagan worship is allowed in the church, doctrine will always suffer. This is
because paganism opposes everything that doctrine is and stands for. This whole false religious worship system
in the church was eventually overturned by the likes of Martin Luther, John Calvin and
company. The mysteries of the Dark Age church gurus were soon replaced with the Word of
Life as Bibles were made available to everyone. Music was given back to the people who
were now encouraged to sing praise hymns set to popular melodies rather than sitting back
from a distance as spectators of those ancient chants. And they could now sing these songs
in their own language to understand the deep biblical truths of God contained in them. The
focus of hymnology during that era was God, His nature and His provision. Therefore,
though Luthers A Mighty Fortress is Our God came out of a time of
personal distress and the need for Gods saving hand, the lyrics of this infamous
hymn concentrated on telling us about God Himself through the eyes of Scripture. Likewise,
the songs from Calvins church in But ". . .Romanticism was pervaded by a
sense of homelessness. Part of the urge toward universality of expression may be
attributed to the need to feel at home in some time or place. . .The sense of
homelessness, of dissatisfaction with both the inner and outer environment, led many
romantics to seek escape into another time or place. The far-off land with strange people
became attractive through its very remoteness." Coming on the heels of the teachings of
French philosopher Rousseau, Romanticism began to glorify nature. ". . .The romantic
sought not to understand nature as a system, but to become one with it and express the
soul of nature, its atmosphere and impact. Nature was the object of mystery and
reverence." Michael Horton in the June/July edition of
Modern Reformation detailed the effect that this resurgence of pantheism in the West had
on church music: Romantic thinkers began to write hymns that emphasized the passion,
or emotions, of man. Therefore, the song, When I'm With Him, details, When I'm with
Him. . . .When I'm with Him. . . .The Fairest pleasures of the world grow dim; . . .and in
my heart I feel the thrill of Glory, When I'm with Him, when I'm with Him.
Therefore during the 19th century as But it was during the 60s that the
West became enamored with eastern religions to the degree that the gurus took over the
thought life of the entire culture. This is when the woman Hinduism and its pagan rituals are exactly
where the religious aspects of the 60s counterculture revolution came from.
Initially the Indian Hindu mystic Swami Vivikenanda wooed the Christian world with his
critique of Christianity as he introduced the West to his superior religion.
Vivikenanda was the man of the hour during the First Parliament of the Words
Religions in Vivikanandas dream was the creation
of a society of Western Science and Socialism and Indian spirituality.
Vivikenanda got his way when the Asian Invasion took hold during the
60s. Immigration policies were altered to open the door of
Among these anti-establishment hippies (or
New Left) the "Asian invasion" began to replace the historical Calvinistic
traditions, that had built Leary promoted the use of drugs (LSD) in
order to enter into the mystic experience of the East. His assertion was preceded by the
writings of Aldous Huxley who was, in turn, influenced by the New Age thought promoted by
the Vivekanada. In his Brave New World, Huxley presented a critique of Western
civilization, which became so characteristic of the '60s generation. That rebellious age was accompanied by
sexual promiscuity as associated with Semiramis, the adulterous woman of Now my kids were not raised in this
mystical culture. So their first experience with it was very enlightening. Every year we
would vacation in the mountains at our favorite campground. It was our custom to regularly
go to the local resort, as it was called, to purchase ice cream after a long hike. On one
particular day we were shopping as the repetitive music played to the lyric:
Im getting closer to my home over and over again. After a while my kids had had enough of
that and began to chuckle and criticize the song as if it was stupid and monotonous.
Vanessa and I answered that this tune by Grand Funk was the music that we were raised with
in the 60s. They countered that it was dumb. My kids werent impressed with the
gurus woo woo. But the revolutionaries of the 60s did not consider this stuff
dumb. It was their very revelation of God. And with each repetition of the
mantra the gurus woo woo would lead them closer to their home. Douglas Groothuis proclaimed, The
age of the exotic, Eastern guruism may be waning, but the gurus
teachings are not. What was once on the esoteric periphery has moved into the spotlight.
Much of what used to be underground is seeping if not rushing into the
mainstream, as a plethora of New Age teachers, practices, and events contend for our
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